May 06, 2010

There is no "I" in "Team."

This is not a comparative blog post between football and public relations. The following is the recent story of a co-worker and friend of mine who spent 30+ years of his life as a football coach and is currently an assistant athletic director. Click here to view a video that was created in an effort to share their story.

 EM-S ISD Teacher is the Missing Piece that Gives Another District Employee a New Chance at Life | Middle School teacher donates kidney to Assistant Athletic Director

Typically speaking, Teacher Appreciation Week is dedicated as a time to honor those amazing individuals in educational settings that are involved in the education of the children of our communities. However, the attitude and conversation surrounding “Teacher Appreciation” this week across the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD is centrally focused on the selfless act of one middle school teacher.

In August 2007, Rebecca Burke was just one of many teachers who joined Prairie Vista Middle School as it opened its doors to the students of the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD for the first time. Three years later, it is evident that Rebecca Burke was a piece to a bigger puzzle; and at the perfect moment, she would fit into place. The loud, energetic and full-of-life Ms. Burke, quickly became loved by the students and a friend to many of the Prairie Vista Middle School teachers. In particular, Ms. Burke and the teacher across the hall, Kathy Lebby, grew to know each other and depend on each other through the work days, weeks and years. What they didn’t know, was that their relationship would forever change in April 2010.

Mrs. Lebby is married to Coach Mike Lebby who was the Head Football Coach at Saginaw High School in 2007 when she went to work at Prairie Vista Middle School. The 2007-08 school year marked Coach Lebby’s last year at Saginaw High School and his last year as a coach. For medical and health reasons, Coach Lebby decided to walk away from coaching after 30 years and was named as the Assistant Athletic Director for Eagle Moutain-Saginaw ISD. After two difficult years of enduring dialysis, medication and even surgery, Coach Lebby found himself as one of many names on a list who were waiting, wanting and needing a kidney transplant.

Across the district at Prairie Vista Middle School, Ms. Burke was aware of the medical situation of Coach Lebby through her interactions and conversations with his wife Mrs. Lebby. In general conversation with Mrs. Lebby, Ms. Burke inquired about what Coach Lebby’s blood type was. We’re not sure if it was the same day or a few days later, but Ms. Burke approached Mrs. Lebby and said “I want to donate one of my kidneys to your husband.” One can imagine the shock on Mrs. Lebby’s face knowing that Ms. Burke had never met Coach Lebby and did not know anything about him, other than what she knew through her friend Mrs. Lebby. Ms. Burke was standing in front of her, declaring that she had made the selfless decision to possibly save his life, or at least give him a better life, and donate one of her kidneys. The next few months flew by as Coach Lebby and his family met and got to know Ms. Burke and her family. They went through numerous tests to make sure she was a complete match, went through donor counseling, met with doctors, discussed the procedure, recovery time and all the other details associated with a transplant operation.

On the morning of Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Rebecca Burke went into surgery for kidney extraction, and was later followed by Coach Mike Lebby for his long awaited kidney transplant. The successful transplant marked the end of their journey leading up to the transplant and the beginning of a new journey that has yet to be experienced.

When we reflect on all the paths that crossed in this extraordinary story, we can now see why Ms. Burke held the piece to a bigger puzzle three years ago when she stepped foot into Prairie Vista Middle School and found herself establishing a relationship with Mrs. Lebby. While Ms. Burke is recovering at home during Teacher Appreciation Week, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD is still celebrating and honoring all its teachers. However, there are many employees, community members, families and friends that are appreciating the selfless act of one teacher in particular and have a different feeling for the words “Teacher Appreciation” this year. Selfless acts like Ms. Burke’s remind us all to ask ourselves if we just might be the missing piece for someone else. For now, all the district is cheering as we know Coach Mike Lebby has the final piece that makes his puzzle complete.

Special Note: Both Rebecca Burke and Mike Lebby were released from the hospital on Monday, May 3 and are recovering in the comfort of their own homes.

Video thanks to my friend and a school PR colleague Jerry for helping us out on such short notice.