March 09, 2010

Big Guns Hochuli: The Power of the Stripes

There are quarterbacks, receivers, lineman and water boys…but have you ever stopped to think about the importance of a referee and the impact they have on the outcome of a game? The referee generally has control of the game and is the final decision-maker on the field. Most people have their favorite football team, player and coach, but how many have a favorite referee? Let me introduce you to the man I refer to as “Big Guns Hochuli” and my favorite NFL referee.

The nickname “Big Guns Hochuli” is based on the fact that his triceps are as big as my thighs and with every call he makes, his actions are flexed, drawn-out and intentional (as in, intentionally flexing his arms). Regardless of his physical appearance, his on field presence and knowledge of the game has earned him great respect by players, coaches and the general NFL population. And the fact that he played football for UTEP doesn't hurt him any in my book. The referee monitors, determines, explains, announces and positions himself in every aspect of the game. You want him to be considered part of your "homer crew." (A homer crew, for those not-so-football-savvy readers, is an officiating crew that you would select if you had a choice of who you wanted to call your game...kind of like home field advantage).

More often than not, PR Pros need to be treated as your own personal "Big Guns Hochuli." You want them on your side and calling your game. PR Pros are typically all over the "field" within your organization and work with every department, have contact with all stakeholders and represent the organization at many levels. Much like a referee, a PR Pro monitors (past, present and future situations and circumstances), determines (plans of actions, appropriate communication channels and organizational health), explains (processes, procedures, programs and possible pitfalls), announces (accomplishments, changes, strategies and even shortcomings) and positions themselves as integral parts of the organization and organizational community.

Consider yourself lucky because I am about to provide you with one of the few things you need to know in order to maximize the benefits your PR Pro can offer you and your organization: Respect the power of the stripes.

Respect the unique position PR Pro's hold. Who else willingly stands in front of a camera in the midst of a crisis? Positions themselves in the line-of-fire to represent you or your organization when controversy arises? Will purposely take on the role of devil's advocate to encourage analysis of all possible scenarios, situations or outcomes with the CEO and his cabinet?

Most importantly, respect their on field presence and knowledge of the (pr)game.

If you stop and think about the impact a referee has on the outcome of the game, you will  appreciate their importance and find yourself searching for your own "Big Guns Hochuli" or making sure you keep your "Big Guns Hochuli" as part of your homer crew.

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