August 02, 2010

PR Two-a-Days

I am well aware that it has been awhile since my last post and I'm just going to chalk it up to enjoying my summer. With that said, today all across the wonderful state of Texas, many high school football programs kicked off two-a-day workouts. What that means is FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! My favorite time of the year is now upon us! I can't wait to enjoy Friday night football, College Game Day when I wake-up on Saturday, NFL Sunday and ending it all with Monday Night Football. Not to mention the random Thursday night games, and if I am lucky, one on Tuesday and Wednesday. Basically it is possible to surround myself with football 24/7!

Two-a-days, such a crazy concept to those not associated with football (or just a fan of football). Why in the world would a team practice twice in one day, when it is 106 degrees outside? The simple answer is because football season couldn't get here fast enough. But the real answer is because it is necessary to establish the "team mentality," to assess where you are as a team, what you need to work on, what is will work for you, what won't and because it's football and it's fun!

This morning when I started thinking about today kicking off the high school football season, I found myself wondering is there such a thing as PR two-a-days? Then it hit me...everyday is a two-a-day in the PR world (and I would argue sometimes a three-a-day). As a PR Pro, every day I work towards establishing a solid "team mentality" within the school district I work for, as well as with our district stakeholders: students, parents, community members and local media representatives. If you walked into our office any day of the week you would hear us discussing our strengths, weaknessess, failures and successes and what we need to do to either maintain the status quo or make it even better. No matter what my role is: crisis communicator, gatekeeper, sounding board, decision maker, event planner, entertainer, bad news bearer, spokesperson, counselor or information seeker the number one priority is what is best for the "team mentality" and for my school district as a whole...and because it's a fun job (the professional football player gig didn't work out for me, so the PR gig runs a close second)!

To answer my own question, there is such a thing as PR two-a-days, we should just call it PR every-a-days! Stay tuned for more posts now that football is upon us. I will have plenty of opportunities for inspiration.

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